
Are you interested in ballroom dancing and everything related to it? Do you want to find out how the organization of one of the largest dance festivals in Poland looks like? Do you want to gain new acquaintances and experiences that may pay off in the future? Become one of our volunteers!

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Volunteer work is a voluntary work for the festival, and its most important benefit is active co-creation of a prestigious international cultural and sports event. The festival gives the volunteer the opportunity to meet famous figures related to ballroom dancing, participate in shows and accompanying events. Many volunteers accompany the Festival every year, thanks to which they have a chance to make new acquaintances and friendships and deepen their professional experience, which pays off in the future.

Each volunteer of the festival will receive a bilingual certificate of volunteering (Polish and English) along with an attractive package of ballroom dancing lessons conducted by master Michał Skawiński.

There is a possibility of student internships as part of volunteering after reporting this fact during the interview, presenting an appropriate referral from the university and obtaining the approval of the organizer.

Who can become a volunteer?

We encourage people who are communicative, eager to learn, compulsory, who are open to new challenges to participate in volunteering.
A festival volunteer may be a person who is 16 years of age or older by March 2, 2024.
Volunteering experience at sporting and cultural events is welcome but not necessary.

Ideal volunteers are people:
• responsible, well-organized, punctual;
• open and willing to help;
• committed and ready to take on challenges;
• available;

Expressing consent to active participation in this year’s festival as a volunteer is combined with the obligation to have a valid vaccination certificate, and confirmation that in the event of malaise, increased temperature, shortness of breath or other symptoms, he will immediately inform the organizers about this fact. Any activities at the festival venues will be associated with the obligation to wear a mask, frequently wash and disinfect hands, maintain a safe distance and strictly comply with the epidemiological rules in force.

How to become a volunteer?

All you need to do is complete and submit the application form below.

The recruitment results will be sent by e-mail. Filling in and sending the application does not constitute acceptance for volunteering. The decision on admission will be made by the festival organizers after reviewing the submitted applications and conducting interviews.

Persons under the age of 18, and whose application will be considered positively, will be able to volunteer, after providing a written consent from the parents / guardians.

We confirm the positive consideration of the application by e-mail, in which we attach a copy of the volunteering contract. We sign the contract in paper form at the organizational meetings preceding the festival.


What is the work of a volunteer?


Wszelkie pytania dotyczące wolontariatu prosimy kierować na adres: wolontariat@stardancefestival.com 

Towarzystwo Kulturalno-Sportowe Stardance

ul. Drukarska 36
53-312 Wrocław

📞 +48 660 691 707;
📞 +48 609 050 150
📞 +48 602 100 079


Wpisz język i zaznacz poziom zaawansowania

Arena Polish Cup

Centrum Sportu i Rekreacji
ul. Oławska 46, 55-220 Jelcz-Laskowice
T +48 71 303 65 09
E recepcja@csir-jl.pl 

Polish Cup (C) 2025   |    TKS STARDANCE